Purpose driven leadership

There is no failure except failure to serve one’s purpose

Working with people who share a passionate commitment around a common purpose, makes everything possible

Purpose-driven leaders build relationships and develop a positive culture in which people get results because they know their effort makes a difference.​

Leaders, before leading others, lead themselves. Through personal purpose, leaders find energy to influence those around them. This principle, that many companies are increasingly discovering, is fundamental to understanding purpose-driven leadership and the dynamics that allow its expansion throughout organizations. It is what some call “leading from purpose”.​

Task oriented

Is work contractual or based on self-interest? If a job is just a job to fulfill a series of tasks to get paid, your employees will seek to minimize cost and effort. If they are only self-interested and only do what they must do based on the contractual obligations and the controls imposed by management, it will lead to unproductive management and lack of ownership by the employees.

Which in the end will lead to stagnation of personal and professional growth and at company level it will limit the possibilities to achieve business goals.​

Collective goals

When an organization can align with a higher authentic purpose, when managers are able to translate ordinary, transactional work to a meaningful contribution to the greater good and align this purpose with the business strategy and decision making, the personal and collective good become one. Personal and business goals and ambitions come together, and the process of organizational development will be fueled. Employees will start learning, taking ownership, trying new things, and taking risks, sharing best practices, collaborate and become more energized and engaged. Through this process organizational performance will grow.​

Do you want to know how PEER can help you become this purpose-driven leader? Feel free to contact us!